
IT “roadmap” needed to help schools’ quest for knowledge society

IT “roadmap” needed to help schools’ quest for knowledge society

Macau has the environment, the facilities, and the territorial size suitable to create a digital education system that will help Macau’s development towards a knowledge-based society, a scholar said in an international conference on Information and Communications Technology (ICT), often also called Information Technology (IT).
“The local government has done a great job in investing in ICT infrastructure. It shows the government’s commitment to creating the ICT enabling environment,” said Sanjay Nadkarni, Director of Research and Associate Professor at the Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management, Dubai, who is also a Visiting Research Fellow at the City University. “And what we educators should do is to complement this effort by doing research that demonstrates which kinds of technologies are good for what type of courses,” he added.

Read more at: http://www.macaudailytimes.com.mo/macau/45392-it-%E2%80%9Croadmap%E2%80%9D-needed-to-help-schools%E2%80%99-quest-for-knowledge-society.html