
Education in Adult Education Programs

As the name suggests, adult education programs prepare you to work with adult learners. The programs are based on adult learning philosophy, known as andragogy. In andragogy, learners are assumed to be self-motivated, self-directed, and have accumulated life experiences that need to be accounted for in course design and delivery.  Adult learners are also goal-oriented and so the course goals and objectives must be established early in the course.  They are relevancy-oriented, and so must see a reason for learning something, and the practical applications of what is being taught need to be clear.  Also, adult learners need to be treated with respect  – with valuable experience and knowledge. All these considerations impact on course development and delivery, so as to result in a totally different learning experience to that which many of the adults might have experienced during their earlier years in secondary education.

This page provides information on what is studied in these programs, where you can study them, what the prospects are after completion, and more.