
Guide to Online Advocacy

I have touched on the usefulness of the Internet and Web 2.0 for advocacy before. Here is a useful guide and website that was drawn to my attention the other day: The Quick 'n Easy Guide to Online Advocacy - developed by Tactical Tech - aims to expose advocates to online services that are quick to use and easy to understand.

The guide provides descriptions of online services including social networking sites, image and video hosting services, and services that enhance an organizations web presence. The guide also offers advice on where and when to use these services. Case studies, security concerns as well as the advantages and disadvantages of various web services are discussed, with the aim of improving advocates ability to conduct online advocacy campaigns.

The internet services listed in the guide covers four main areas in which advocates operate: informing and communicating; documenting and visualising; mobilising and coordinating; and bypassing and accessing.

You may also be interested to learn about a Tactical Tech's other toolkits and guides. Please see the website (http://www.tacticaltech.org) for information. Hard-copies can be requested. Mobiles in-a-box is designed to support campaigners to use mobile telephony in their work; 'Message in-a-box' is a set of strategic guides and tools to create media for social change; the 'Security edition of NGO-in-a-box' is designed to meet the digital security and privacy needs of human rights defenders and independent media; and 'NGO in-a-box' is a collection of tools for the day-to-day running of small to medium sized NGOs. Tactical Tech has also produced a number of other guides including 'Maps for Advocacy', 'Visualising Information for Advocacy' and the 'Quick 'n' Easy Guide to Online Advocacy'. Together these toolkits and guides have been translated into seven different languages including French, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Russian.

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